A powerful cheat for BloodHunt that I've been preparing and tweeting for a while now since I'm not a graduate, I'd like to share this for the whole community to use it while it lasts.
- Visuals Toogle
- Player ESP Boxes
- Player ESP Boxes Type
- Player Skeleton
- Player Snaplines
- Player Snaplines Type
- Player Name
- Player Info
- Player Radar
- Loot Radar
- Loot ESP
- Loot Radar/ESP Color
- Party Text
- Player Distance
- Player Health & Shield Bars
- ESP Max Distance
- Knoked Text
- Visible ESP Color
- Invisible ESP Color
- Party Player SnapLine Color
- Knocked Player ESP Color
- Aimbot toogle
- Aimbot FOV
- Aimbot FOV Size
- AimBot Bone To Shoot
- AimBot Activation Key
- AimBot Smoothnes
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- Aimed FOV Changer by Weapon Type
1. You can reboot the configuration on the go, Edit the configuration and click
the Reboot-Configuration button in Miscellaneous 2. Has a separate descriptor for each hack used and displays a status
icon at the bottom left of the screen Red icon -
No player in the list, No weapons in the list / mostly
in cold charges Yellow icon - Players found in the list, weapons are not yet listed / In Elysium Green icon - Players and weapons loaded / In Prague
3. Crash handler
if you get a yellow or red icon in Praga, it means that something is going wrong and the tool disables features in the background to avoid crashes.
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Game Settings: Fieldless Window and DX11
If the window is fieldless and DX11 doesn't work for you, try using full-screen mode and DX12.
Run the exe program as an administrator after Elysium...