Lobby tab
- Force the game to start (there must be a host and a map selected)
- Check who the host is
Player tab
- Change name
- Distance to object (Capture and throw distance modifiers)
- Infinite Endurance
- Device for changing the field of view
- Go through the doors
- Suicide
- Interact while dead (only works correctly if you use suicide first)
ESP tab
- ESP Player
- Ghost Psychic
- Bone psychic
- ESP fuse
- Changing the color of RGB (because, damn, why not)
"Troll" tab (Please do not spoil the game to others, be cunning with it)
- Ghost appears
- Move Support
- Move door
- Ghost Event
- Deck (Fake Ghost Event, Locked Door, Unlocked Door)
- Ghost Information Window (Displays ghost information and banshee target if the ghost is a banshee)
- Mission Information (Displays mission information and you can/may not complete missions, but it does not appear on other screens)
- Ghost Hunt Notification (Displayed if the ghost is hunting and has stopped hunting)
- "Hotkeys" tab (Changing hotkeys for different functions, etc.)
- Themes tab (Change the color of the menu theme using the presets or customize your own)