To your attention a cheat that tears up pookans on the servers of the game Apex Legends.
- Ignore knock
- Ignore teammates
- Maximum distance
- Maximum VIEWING
ANGLE - Smooth
- Predict speed
- Predict bullet drop
- Bone
selection - Key
Visual Effects
- Box
- Head Point
- Health
Bar - Maximum Distance
- Maximum Distance to Head Point
- Crosshairs
- Very easy to save/load configuration
- - Make sure you have: Secure Boot disabled, Hyper V disabled (mostly HVCI)
- Download Xenos injector (or any other DLL injector)
- Use the built-in injection, detach the module, remove the PE
headers - Embed the DLL into any process (web browser, process hacker ...), make sure the process is running with administrator privileges!
- Wait for it to do its thing and then start the game when you're
asked - You can now open the menu with insert (the menu is always clickable, keep that in mind)
- Make sure the game is in full-screen windowed mode, otherwise the overlay will not be displayed