Adjustable Rapid Fire
name changer
ESP [Snap lines, 2D Boxes & 3D Boxes]
- players
- Grenades & Smoke
- Go to your target group games directory (~\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Target group)
- Replace TaskForce.exe with modified TaskForce.exe
- Launch the game via steam
This has not been discovered since release, however the game's moderation team carefully checks new steam accounts and anyone who plays well without streaming. If you log into their game and play on a new steam account (and do nothing wrong), you will be banned for doing absolutely nothing. Half the reason this cheese is now public and free for everyone. If you get banned, it will be a manual game developer ban and it will look bad on your steam profile. Use it at your own risk.
I really intend to update this for at least a month or so. Maybe longer. They tend to fix the game every couple of days or so. If the version of the game is NOT supported, it simply won't run, so keep that in mind. You can check the status at the top of this patch and compare the version shown with the current patch shown on the steam store.
- overlay
- Task Manager interferes with the overlay
- Steam and Discord Overlay & Rivatuner (MSI Afterburner) overlay will cause overlay issues
- Switching items between MATCHES (not rounds) will eventually crash during screen loading
- "Show Info" may crash when player names contain emoji